Business Litigation Philadelphia | Law Firm Philadelphia
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Our Practice Areas

Honik Law

“Justice is but truth in action” – Louis D. Brandeis, 1914


People frequently purchase products or services which, unfortunately, turn out not to be what they were represented to be. And when aggrieved persons contact the manufacturer or seller, sometimes they will not do the right thing and make it right, leaving the consumer with no practical recourse.

Antitrust Litigation

Antitrust laws were enacted to protect U.S. consumers and businesses from anti-competitive and monopolistic conduct that threatens our free and open markets, the foundation of a vibrant economy.

Pharmaceutical Litigation

Companies that make and sell pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices must ensure that the products they sell are safe and effective. Every year, however, manufacturers release products that are not only harmful, but also dangerous.

Products Liability

When you purchase a product, you believe the manufacturer, distributor, and seller took steps to ensure it works safely and as intended. But that is not always the case. Preventable injuries and deaths occur each year as a result of defective products.

Toxic Torts / Environmental Litigation

Releasing a toxic substance into the environment or workplace can expose thousands of innocent people to serious and potentially deadly medical conditions in a single incident. Exposure to hazardous chemicals and other toxins can arrive through the air, soil or water supply; it can occur in your home, workplace or neighborhood. Contamination can impact an individual, a family or an entire community.

Medical Malpractice

Medical professionals are held to a high standard of care. Sadly, the reality is that many doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers fall short of these expectations, and their negligence injures the very patients they have a duty to protect.

Personal Injury / Catastrophic

Honik LLC represents individuals and families in complex, catastrophic injury cases ranging from automobile and highway design cases, workplace and machine injuries, premises liability and construction accidents. Unsurpassed results in these cases have resulted in lawyer referrals of the most difficult and complex cases for decades.

Business Litigation

Businesses often find that larger rival or suppliers unfairly leverage their size and resources to economically harm them, and in turn their customers.